【轉載】如何知道你的價值觀 HOW TO KNOW YOUR VALUE

金錢的甜蜜點  The sweet spot for money.
by Durga Holzhauser(感謝Laya翻譯並同意Nori 轉載)
原文連結:http://thefemalegrail.com/ Laya文章原始連結:自在心境身心靈成長工作室


In our world what we do is paid with money. You crave money. And money craves you. In nature there is a natural attraction of magnetic enchantments. The power of money’s attraction is its many smells and tastes: sweetness, sealed dark roads or dirty secrets, perfumed elegance, diffuse phantasms or diamonds, lust or poverty, real fun or joy.


But straight from its source, money has no flavor. The taste comes with experience, that later turns into presumptions. And when it comes to the money talk, many languages of love end.


Exploding our universes and provoking new experiences of spirituality, we often end up in a dead end. I still believe that some have far too much money and are overdosed on acquisition and consumerism. Meanwhile, unacceptable circumstances in our world create masses of people who have not enough to eat or starve.


Money is often mixed up with value. My teacher Agni once said: “Nothing is cheaper than the things you can buy with money,” and the wisdom went straight underneath my skin. With life as our greatest master teacher, we embrace every moment of our experience and richen our unsatisfied souls.


This new world asks for balance and creates a new sphere of influence. Success on our own terms is the new path and will open new gates for enlightenment. Our business is our spiritual path, leaving behind old dynasties of ascetics’ monastic vows and religious labyrinths of poverty in the name of God’s realization.


But before you ask for money, make sure you walk the inner dangerous landscapes of your own lightness and darkness of value.

What is your relation with self-value?


How to peel off your (lizard) skin: radiate your worthiness with every cell of your individual value. Know that it will be found in self-love.

1. 閉上你的眼睛並感到富裕,無論你的錢包有多滿(即使錢包空空如也,我總是感受到無比的富裕。)這是一種生活形態不再依賴「實相」的轉變。感覺如何?
  1. Close your eyes and feel rich, no matter how filled your purse is. (I always feel amazingly rich, even with no money at all.) It is lifestyle shift that isn’t dependent upon “reality.” How does it feel?
2. 感覺到你自己的價值。在你的血肉之軀之下,是一個強大的存有。這和你的父母或任何人如何談論你無關。與這感覺一同脈動,並與之融合。
  1. Feel your own worth. Underneath your skin and bones. It’s a strong one. It has nothing to do what your parents or anyone else has ever said about you. Pulsate that feeling and jam with it.
3. 重新定義你的價值,並廢除你自訂的界線。
  1. Redefine your value and abolish self-built borders.
4. 訂價是一種感受。感覺它在你的體內。這個數字讓你強壯嗎?就去做吧。或是軟弱?那麼改變它並試試看!給出無價的愛。然後詢問:誰會支付這樣的價格?
  1. Pricing is a feeling. Feel it inside your body. Does the number make you strong? Go ahead. Or weak? Then change it up and play! Offer priceless love. And ask: Who will pay this?
5. 唯一讓我們所做的能在熱情中發光的方式是給出全部。這包含了不要索取有限的或部分的交換,而是要求能滿足飢餓的完整豐富的感受。
  1. The only passionate way to burn for what we do is to give it all. That includes not asking for a limited or partial exchange, but for the whole rich feeling of satisfied hunger.
6. 分享你個別的禮物。生命提供了無限的機會來分享你獨特的天賦與禮物。我們都有這些禮物,而唯一我們選擇不去使用它的原因是因為我們腦中的小人說:「你不夠好。你不知道自己在做什麼。」刪除他。
  1. Share the gift of your individuality. Life offers endless opportunities to share your unique talents and gifts. We all have them, and the only reason we choose to not use them is because we have a little person in our head that says: ”You aren’t good enough. You don’t know what you’re doing.” Delete.
7. 感覺那值得的價格:有膽提升你的價格(這是採用了Marie Forleo的文字)。上週我與我最佳風水客戶之一再次碰面。自從我上回與他工作之後,他的生意已擴展到全球。坐在他面前並更新我的風水工作fengshuivision.com work,我看見一個比我一般會要求的多三倍以上的價格(譯注:阿法氣風水顧問會以第八脈輪依循神性法則詢問工作對等的費用)。他親愛的妻子大吃一驚,而他說:「你知道這很奇怪,但就是這個價格,且我也樂意付你這樣的費用。」感覺真棒!驚奇的自我價值感呀!
  1. Feel the price that it is worth: Increase your prices with your cajones and ovaries (original stolen words from Marie Forleo). Last week I had revival business with one of my best Feng Shui clients. His business expanded globally since I last worked with him. Sitting in front of him for the update to my fengshuivision.com work. I had a vision of a price that was more than 3 times what I usually asked. His lovely wife swallowed and he said; “You know it is strange, but this is the price and I am happy to pay you this money.” Great feeling! Amazing self-worth!
8. 不帶期待地提出收費。我這麼做不是因為我貪心,而是來自想要給出全部的自己的渴望。我願意給出自己最好的,而在這一刻我的全身都知道,要求較少的收費我就只能給出較少的自己。那感覺並不好。要求對的收費吸引「啊哈」的時刻(譯注,指”這樣就對了””就是這樣”的感覺),以及美好的價值感。
  1. Ask for your price without expectations. I did it not because I was greedy, but from the hunger of wanting to give it my all. I was keen to give my best and in this moment my whole body knew that for less I could only give less. That’s an ugly feeling. Asking for the right price attracts AHA moments and great feelings of value.
9. 準備好放手。將自己拋售是很難恢復的。讓機會離開,如果它要求你這麼做。
  1. Be ready to let it go. Underselling yourself is hard to recover from. Let the opportunity go if it would you require you to do so.
10. 虛榮心是被高估的。我與一位真正SEO的天才有個諮詢。她堅持每小時收費$25,所以她可以接觸到每個人。她得其所求。我的勸說也無法融化她。她的自我傲慢定義了她奢華的極限。
  1. Vanity is overvalued. I had a consultation with a true SEO genius. She insisted on charging $25 an hour so that she could be accessible to everyone. She met honor with honor. My persuasion could not melt her. Her self-pride defined her line of luxury.
11. 太便宜就是太昂貴。我上一個工作坊無法進行。我希望它是可以負擔的並依此訂價,但是發生了相反的事。它沈入湖裡。人們說費用太便宜而不值得為此飛到南法。又學了一課。
  1. Too cheap is too expensive. My last workshop did not run. I wanted to make it affordable and priced it accordingly, but the contrary occurred. It fell into the lake. People said it was too cheap to fly all the way to South France for. My lesson learned.
12. 消除這個想法:「要求太多是貪心的。」自我批判是個殺手。記得:「你是值得的。」
  1. Delete this thought: “It is greedy to ask for too much.” Self-judgment is a killer. Remember: “You are worth it.”
13. 真實與精確的自我評估會被自我批判謀殺。保持扎根。你不會失去任何事物,除非你自我欺騙。因為你的尊嚴是不可觸碰的。
  1. True and accurate self-estimation is killed by self-judgment. Stay earthly and grounded. You have nothing to lose except your own deception, because your dignity is untouchable.
14. 禁忌需要被打破。清修教條式的自我信念也是一樣的。清貧誓言只會在壞人身上創造信念。將它釋放進風裡吧。
  1. Taboos need to be broken. So do monastic and dogmatic self-beliefs. Vows of poverty only create belief in a bad guy. Release it all to the wind.
15. 為你所提供的定義真正的價值,可能會引起你在發展自己的偉大的初期痛楚。專注在創造更多快樂、更多健康、更多金錢,越來越多。
  1. Defining the true value of what you provide may cost you the growing pains of greatness. It’s worth it. Focus on creating more happiness, more health, more money, more and more.
16. 慷慨:給出讓你感覺好的。給更多,如果那讓你感覺更好。
  1. Generosity: Give what feels good. Give more if it feels better.
17. 足夠:一次又一次,這是你邁向圓滿的箴言。
  1. Enough: Again and again. It’s your mantra to wholeness.
18. 冥想施與受的力量。
  1. Meditate on the power of giving and receiving.
19. 綻放富足的感受。吸引力已在運作。在其中找到樂趣,不然就不好玩了!
  1. Radiate the rich feeling. Attraction is on its way. Tap into the fun factor on the spot. Otherwise it’s no fun!
20. 金錢是活的。感覺工作與金錢感官的質地。它有自己的香氣、自己的型態、自己的模式、自己的光、聲音、與味道。當金錢到來,觸摸它。祝福給予者與金錢。
  1. Money is alive. Feel the sensuous texture of business and money. It has its own perfume, its own style, own mood, own light and sound and taste. Caress money when it comes. Bless the donor and the money.
21. 以世界公民的角度擁抱集體價值。集體價值可以在放棄和真正奢華的文化中找到。放棄購買一台便宜的烤麵包機。購買可以歷經時間價值的手作物品(我愛百年保固)。
  1. Embrace collective value as a world’s citizen. Collective value is founded on renouncement and a culture of real luxury. Renounce buying a cheap toaster, for the sake of true value creation. Purchase handmade goods that have the value of duration. (I love 100-year guarantees.)
22. 以及愛。還有什麼呢?
  1. And Love. What else?



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